Hygiene solutions

Hygiene in the food industry

Applicable hygiene regulations are based on European and German law, compliance with which in Germany is monitored by the health authorities, among others. Food processing companies are obliged to ensure that food and drinks are free from contamination.

As part of their own responsibility, these companies must carry out their own operational checks in accordance with the principles of the HACCP concept (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points). The hygienic training of employees and clean working practices are fundamental to this in the food and beverage industry.

Particular care must be taken when handling food, as inadequate hygiene during handling can pose a direct risk to consumers. If hygiene is inadequate, bacteria and other contaminants can be transferred to the food or equipment used in production and processing. They find ideal growth conditions on a wide variety of surfaces and multiply.

Hygiene in hotels and restaurants

Hygiene plays a major role in the hotel and catering industry, as many businesses produce their own ready-to-eat food or market it on a company level. This generally applies to chain or concept-based establishments, but also to all types of gastronomic offerings and hotels. Products are served to customers on site and are often consumed there directly. Hotels and restaurants must therefore meet particularly strict hygiene and safety requirements.

In order to comply with these strict hygiene measures, HyServe offers you various quick tests that provide information on the current hygiene status of surfaces, for example after cleaning. Work tables and equipment must be regularly tested for microbiological germs as part of food safety. These pathogenic microorganisms pose a particular risk to food and can cause nausea, vomiting or diarrhea in humans.

Hygiene in the healthcare sector

Hygiene plays a major role in the entire healthcare system, as around 18 million German citizens spend at least one night in hospital before or after treatment every year. Although hygiene standards in the German healthcare system are very high, around 600,000 people are still infected with germs in hospital every year.

These germs cause nosocomial infections, the consequences of which kill around 15,000 patients every year. Many studies have already shown that an improved cleaning program can curb MRSA infections, for example. MRSA infections are caused by bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.

Our rapid tests can be used in any healthcare facility, as the patented A3 technology can be used to check surfaces for the presence of ATP+ADP+AMP.

Water disinfection for maximum hygiene 

Germ-free, i.e. absolutely clean water, is required in many processes, especially in the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. The treatment of drinking water for germ-free industrial plants also plays a major role in water hygiene. The quality of the water used can affect the efficiency and reliability of an entire production process.

Water hygiene addresses all aspects of water supply and tests drinking water, bathing water, river water, industrial water and process water for impurities. The water analysis is carried out using special test methods that are used in central water supply systems, small systems, individual and in-house water supply systems and in water treatment.

Water is very sensitive and reacts to various external and internal influences. Suitable processes are used to remove microorganisms from the water, which are tested for beforehand at defined process points. The detection of coliform bacteria in water, for example, indicates a lack of hygiene. Alongside salmonella, these bacteria are therefore also considered a hygiene indicator.

The Lumitester Smart

The Lumitester Smart enables the rapid detection of microbial residues and food residues using the ATP method.

The A3 technology not only detects ATP (adenosine triphosphate), but also the low-energy molecules ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and AMP (adenosine monophosphate). This represents a technological advance over conventional ATP tests, as it significantly increases sensitivity. This is particularly important for heated and processed foods, as ATP is broken down to ADP and AMP during these processes and cannot be detected with conventional tests.

  • Reliable measured values within 10 seconds
  • Unsurpassed sensitivity
  • Intuitive operation and evaluation options via app / cloud service
  • Cleaning validation according to HACCP

The Lumitester Smart from HyServe detects all organic residues and microorganisms on these surfaces and in liquids and determines the degree of cleanliness at the point of sampling.

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