Self-diffusing, Accurate, Certified (AOAC-PTM, MicroVal, NordVal), REDUCES space, time and waste. For Molds and Yeasts - Rapid
Self-diffusing, Accurate, Certified (AOAC-PTM, NordVal, MicroVal), REDUCES space, time and waste. For E. Coli and Coliforms
Self-diffusing, Accurate, Certified (AOAC-PTM, NordVal, MicroVal), REDUCES space, time and waste. For Coliforms
Self-diffusing, Accurate, Certified (AOAC-PTM, NordVal, MicroVal), REDUCES space, time and waste.
For aerobic count (total count)
Self-diffusing, precise, certified (AOAC-PTM, NordVal, MicroVal), reduces space, time, and waste. For Staphylococcus aureus
Self-diffusing, Accurate, (AOAC-PTM, NordVal, MicroVal submitted), REDUCES space, time and waste. For Enterobacteria
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